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Pizza Hut NEW Detroit Style Pizza Review!

 Hello everyone, this is running on empty food reviews, ladies and gentlemen,, everyone, those who watch here, listen to it, run for empty food reviews, և me I'm reporting this week with your host, so this new issue honestly came as a very casual issue, It was a pleasant surprise because there are so many institutions out there now, who seem to be obsessed with chicken sandwiches, good or bad, you know There are just a lot of places, I think they are called chicken sandwich wars, which are still talked about. You know you have a chicken fillet launching a new sandwich, even the Boston market comes out of the ring, they release one you have with McDonald's - once even a taco call with ambitions to leave.

The idea for swimming, of course, chicken sandwiches Talking so much about chicken sandwiches here. there is a pizza from the Detroit style pizza came as a surprise, which surprised me, but I'm excited about it, there was no warning about it , it just came out today, և I thought, okay, let's give this picture Detroit-style pizza is a medium-sized pizza that is again available in the pizza hut for 10.99.

You will say what is Detroit style pizza, what exactly is Detroit style pizza, Maybe some have heard about it, maybe some do not know what Detroit style pizza is. that a deep dish is a pizza loaded with additives, so they say the whole crust until that moment, when it has to be brittle, the crust is even supposed to be a little caramelized, lo great job though, it differentiates you from knowing you are regularly bored old pizza just um detroit style pizza tomato sauce is not under the cheese, It does not contain pizza just so that the sauce is not poured into it, then the dough is put on the sauce , which will be weird, but instead you have pizza, և the sauce is filling on everything that spills.

The top of the cheese on top of the pepper, etc., so that's it that the big selling point is the deep dish pizza և again it will be very interesting here, Detroit style pizza available for 10.99.

This issue: It was a big surprise. Many people just have it when it's so important Incredibly many people even struggle to understand that some people even sit there catatonic և say this pizza can be the defining moment of my life, you know it's a big deal, it comes in its small box look that we have this is the collector's right here says detroit style pizza right there let's focus to the cameras that you could see this work Art this is like Rembrandt, that's unbelievable, this diorama, as they say, but again crispy cheese edges says hint go for the corner pieces, so that's what we're going to do, and here's another 50 cheeses melted to the brim Top with minced tomato sauce to make an improved vine on top keeps the crust light և light այնպես so you can see it again from the pizza hut, as they say the hut just there և it's now just in its general form, it reminds me a little Caesar deep pizza dish, of course, except for the sauce, but how is it cut? in eight pieces, I think it was a bit um, you know it's angular, we'll go for one, it seems so, but again, the sauce is right on the pizza, let me draw a small thumbnail right here.

You know, of course, by showing the product, so we're there, Yes, something like that,: let's go out a bit so you can take a closer look. I'm excited about it, though you know for those who have been here for a while, you know I like my pizza reviews, I really am ելու like them probably to review honestly are my favorite things.

I do not know, it's just something new about pizza that just it's just I do not know there is anything funny in it.

I do not know what it is, but i enjoy it it always puts me in a good mood um so here's the big plan of it, okay, you see , the sauce on top of it mixed with pepperoni, it seems to be a thicker sauce, what is one thing you would see in more pasta, perhaps as opposed to thinner flowing marinade, so you do not see that it is a thicker sauce, thicker pizza. although you know bake pepperoni և etc և again crispy crispy bake in the crust right there, so saying, you know what's on it, I know what's on it, we all know what's on it, Now is the time to try a Detroit-style pizza house so hmmm, wow more pepperoni than I expected և it's a good sign that all the pepperoni out there There are many places you know that say that with that add extra pepperoni, but in reality they do not keep their word let me tell you you, I'm going to take two more bites um: hysteria erupted around this pizza It is understandable, maybe even justified, considering what I ate.

I have to say that I'm a fan of it և I like it, I understand why so many people talk about it They's kind of angry about it, yes it's a good pizza. I mean, you really know that, really please do not be too crazy, but I advise you to buy, I really do, I like that This refers to the pizza hut.

My favorite pizza of all time is still cheese pizza from bites, but I'm a kid, it could be very good for a second, it could be very good, I mean, I really like it, I think it's very good that I like pizza, because you have such a combination , a position to adapt to different flavors of different combinations, but everything works on it, which is very good. The role you play, yes, it's soft, it's boring, good when you eat, but of course you have this noticeable crumb on the crust, which compensates that if it seems almost fermented, then continuing to eat there simply the perfect amount of cheese on it in my case inion it looks a little cheesier than of course yours regular pizza, but not the vast majority, so that's how you eat cheese stick or something, just perfect amount of cheese on it there's a lot of pepperoni um that it's something i really like come on, I mean for those who like pepperoni, and I make pepperoni, the top of my favorite pizza which is very good as there is extra pepperoni you have this little small pieces of pepper և larger pieces և I think as you can see, they really layered it is hard on the stuffing, և then you just get that flavor from the pepperoni, which You know, penetrating into the cheese, you give it this little little spice and meaty taste.

և: I really like it, և of course you have a sauce different from their usual sauce, their usual marinara sauce and pizza sauce sometimes have a little sweetness to it, it's definitely a lot stronger, okay, a lot stronger in terms of overall volume. that smell is there և it's a thicker sauce, but that's it I really mean you really taste it sharp, but it really penetrates into every bite և Although it seems that its distribution may be small, you know unequal, maybe I think a little goes the short way goes the long way. I think this is one of those things where everything gets mixed up to each other, everything comes together, և it all just works, և it comes as a result և it makes a useless thing to make a pizza hut, I think they made it a reality.

Good job this detroit style pizza, I like it, you have to remember, of course, that when it comes to pizza places, you have a hierarchy of institutions, right, you have these craft places, you have local places, so you know what your fast food pizza is that many people Consider it the bottom echelon of pizza, of course um, so even considering this is it, This is a really good pizza at a good price, who's doing it on my wrong note sheet for another item, yes 10.99 is the price of this և և i think it's a good amount food, of course, you will know that it fills you, this is a filling pizza, but it's really good, right that ten out of ten I have to ten out of ten, because that's good, I really do I have no complaints, you again know the general quality, it is a fast food pizza, but it is really good so much so that today we have for you all that we have for you today, I am your host For a week I tried the Detroit style pizza on a pizza hut and I am a big fan of the two two up there because I think they did a really good job all right on one final note if anyone out there is interested is nothing uh heard i have a new podcast.

I released it the other day, you can find it at, so I hope you can listen to it if you are interested և with it We will only be able to be safe, wherever you are, to "take care of" until the next time.

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